Sunday, April 13, 2014

Running with the Big Dogs!

Today was a gorgeous day and we had a lot of post winter (and post ice storm) clean up to we decided to take all the dogs and Bristol out for a romp!  

Bristol had a great time chasing one dog after the other.  She also got to experience sticks, piles of leaves and she learned how to drink out of the creek like the big dogs!

Needless to say, she slept like a log after we came in!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

6 Weeks Old!

Our little Bristol Bear is not so little anymore and is up to 10 pounds 6 ounces!  She's big on cute factor as well!  

See for yourself!

"Please sir....can I have some more water?"

Monday, April 7, 2014

Bristol's Got Something to Say!

Bristol has usually saves all of her talking for her toys...but today we caught her on video.

Needless to say...I found it very funny!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

First Outdoor Adventure!

Today we took Bristol out into the front yard for the first time.  She handled it like a champ!  She even had a chance to run on the little bit of a snow bank still left in our yard.  The cars going by caught her attention at first, but then became just part of the background she ignored...much more exciting things to sniff and explore.

Here's a couple of photos and be sure to check out the video!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Bristol's Playtime at 5 Weeks

A video complication of some of Bristol's play moments from the last week.  Starting to see so much personality

Thursday, April 3, 2014

5 Weeks Old!

It is so amazing to see all of the changes our little Bristol is going through.  She's getting quite coordinated, she responds to us and the other dogs with such excitement.  She's eating solid foods and is really starting to play with toys.

Last week we moved her into a larger play "yard" and she's having a great time running from one side to the other - hopping in and out of the whelping box and Hope's crate.

Oh, can't forget the weekly weigh in...Bristol weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Bristol Meets Beau

In this video Bristol is about 5 weeks old and Beau is about 20 months old.  Bristol was all ready to play, but Beau being a young male wasn't sure he was ready to settle down and have puppies ;) 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Bistol's Playtime at 4 Weeks

These videos were taken around the time Bristol was 4 weeks old.  They were taken after we moved her into a larger play space in our living room and let her have more time with our whole pack.  Hemi was quite happy to have more time to visit with Bristol and has been a great...."chew toy" as Bristol gets her new puppy teeth!  She's been a great "aunt"!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

4 Weeks Old!!

Bristol is getting cuter every day!  and Heavier every day!  She's gained nearly 2 pounds this week and weighs 6 lbs 10 oz!

Once she was used to eating out of the bowl, we started grinding up puppy kibble and mixing it with the bottle formula.  She mows it down really well and it tends to keep her full a little longer so we are down to feeding 4 times a day.

Bristol's impression of a baby seal...

Bristol's impression of a chubby little kitty...

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Visit from the Big Dogs!

Bristol had a visit from both Piston and Hemi today!

Piston preferred to keep his distance and sniff Bristol whenever she wasn't looking.  He's always a little unsure about the puppies...very curious but would rather keep his distance.

Hemi however has been waiting for the last few weeks to meet Bristol!  She hopped right into the whelp box and laid down to offer up her belly.

Hope kept a watchful eye on Bristol's visitors, but she was very accepting of them both.  Hope and Hemi have been great playmates and friends since Hope joined us.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Bristol's First Mash Up!

Today was Bristol's first attempt at puppy mash!  
Which basically consists of the same formula we've been feeding her with a little ground beef mixed in.  Biggest change was it was in a dish!  She did quite well all things considered.  

She ate herself into a little food coma and slept it off while Hope cleaned off her face.


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Bottle Time Swimming

Since Bristol has opened up her eyes she's been far more active...even while drinking!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

3 Weeks Old!

It has been a busy week for Bristol!  She's started opening her eyes and her ears have opened up.  Things are only going to get busy from here!

Bristol now weighs a stout 4 lbs 12 oz!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Soooo stuffed!

Her eyes may be just opening, but they are still "bigger than her belly"!
Our chunk-a-monk has developed quite the appetite and has continued to grow at an impressive rate.

I'm sure if she could speak English she'd be telling us off for posting such unflattering photos! ;)

"Do I have a little something on my chin?

Who ate to much?  Bristol says... "meeee!"